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Safety & Compliance

PLM TrustLink™ is a turn-key, cloud loT management platform for automated, touchless, supply chain ecosystems. Get real time, condition-monitored, track & trace capabilities and analytics for your sensitive products.

Enhance Transparency, Traceability & Trust for your Cold Supply Chain

  • IMPROVE INVENTORY management with clear visibility of your product.
  • MANAGE FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN deliveries and gain insight into exact quantities delivered where, when and at what temperature. Lower customer claims and returns processing times. Reduce missed deliveries and long and short counts.
  • PRECISELY IDENTIFY at the carton or item level. Improve first time order fill rate accuracy.
  • ACHIEVE BETTER COMPLIANCE for upcoming food safety regulations.

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How PLM TrustLink™ Works

Our digital technology, combined with GS1 standards, will enable RFID, NFC, and QR codes for enhanced Transparency, Traceability and Trust.



Food products are digitized with various markers and optional condition monitoring sensors to create a ‘digital birth certificate’ that uniquely ties products to their origins.

Food products are labeled at the carton or pallet level with a GS1 compliant Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) RFID tag which enables bulk counting of items from long range.



The data from the marker is then populated into the track-and-trace cloud software, ready to be used for analytics and business intelligence.

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Ask to See ​a Live Demo ​of TrustLink!

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Visit PLMTrustLink.com to learn more about our software to track and trace your sensitive products

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